APA's online learning tools are a great introduction for beginner packrafters (and a useful refresher for more experienced ones). We have checklists, videos and articles to help you prepare for bolder and safer packrafting adventures. Get hard-won knowledge shared by our brain trust of packraft experts using these tools. If you'd like to become involved with APA's education projects, or have suggestions for more learning content, you can contact APA's Education Committee Chair.
Need a simple checklist to keep you on track? APA's P.A.C.K.R.A.F.T. safety code provides a clear reminder of the eight things you need to consider before heading out on a trip.
Check our series of short packrafting safety videos developed by APA's education team. The first three videos -- each less than 2 minutes -- will give you an intro to planning, rigging you packraft, and river hazards.
APA's virtual event series brings key figures in the packrafting world in front of a live online audience. Packraft educator Mark Oates kicked off 2021 for us with his "Boat, Don't Float" presentation, a packrafting skills masterclass, followed by Alaskan adventurer Luc Mehl introducing his book "The Packraft Handbook".
Subscribe to the APA newsletter to find out when the next APA Presents event will take place!
As paddle sports become more popular, so does the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS) like Water Fleas, Quagga and Zebra Mussels from one place to another. The US Department of Agriculture estimates that the economic damage associated with invasive species (both aquatic and non-aquatic) amounts to a staggering $120 billion/year in the US alone.
Learn how to protect vulnerable ecosystems with APA's recommendations for decontaminating your boat between trips.
Planning to venture off the beaten path? Remote parts of the world can be a paradise for packrafting. They can also be challenging places to adventure, where severe consequences await the unprepared.
Check out APA's recently published recommendations for making trips into the wilderness a success.
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